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Beyond the Sun INFO CENTER / Boot on Sight
Last post by Unwritten - Apr 03, 2024, 04:04 PM
The admin of the room have decided to offer nearly everyone a fresh, clean slate at this point. 
Act like an adult, move on from petty b.s. and understand that we're operating in a "1 strike - you're out" manner.

Perma ban
(to be removed via booting immediately)
Beyond the Sun INFO CENTER / Beyond the Sun - rules
Last post by Unwritten - Apr 03, 2024, 03:45 PM
1. The room is set in the upper east coast of the U.S. and south east coast of Canada as survival elsewhere is highly improbable.  No roleplay will take place outside of the named region.

2. Technology as we once knew it has been wiped out.  You can't flip a switch for light or turn on the television.  There are no more landline telephone wires or cell towers for mobile calls.  Emergency services were lost, too.  If a fire starts to rage out of control or someone has a heart attack, you'd better hope someone knows how to douse the flames or provide basic medical assistance.  Also, there are no more cops to call upon when danger strikes.  Laws of the past are all but forgotten.  You either make your own rules or find tentative security under the rules of whomever leads the group you're with.

3. We're struggling humanity, but still human.  There will be no supernatural aspect within the room...unless it is the ghost of Greta Thunberg hauntingly saying "I told you so".  Vampires, lycans, zombies and superheroes can be played elsewhere in other rooms - not here.

4. You work for what you need.  Barter, beg, steal - that's your call to make.  However, no one will start out with anything more than a small amount of personal supplies.  Beyond that you must find what you need somehow.  Trade and gifts can be done without limit, but remember - what you give up today, you just might need tomorrow.  Scavenging or stealing success will be based on effort and dice roll.  A minimum of three posts of "work" or "searching" is required before you may roll a 1d50 to learn if you were successful or not.  Evens=success.  Odds=failure.  Anyone not adhering to this is subject to punishment by loss of supplies..or worse.

5. Character sheets are not required, but strongly advised.  As well, a log of what you've gained or lost will be critical to keep track of your supplies.

6. The extreme weather will not diminish, only worsen, and storms are likely to pop up.  If you encounter one (via auto post) you will be forced to seek shelter if outdoors.  Failure to do so could result in your demise.

7. Death is more common than ever.  It comes from the elements and also your fellow remaining survivors.  No one is ever truly safe.  If roleplayers can not agree on the outcome of a potentially greatly damaging or fatal encounter then a dice roll will do so with all effected parties rolling a 1d50.  Evens=success(life).  Odds=failure(death).  It is highly advised that you try to manage these outcomes in realistic roleplay instead of resorting to literally gambling with your life in a roll of dice.

8. Room staff reserve the right to deny entry to potential players as seen fit and also to enforce the outcomes of any dice rolling (for supplies or life).   
Beyond the Sun INFO CENTER / Beyond the Sun - room info
Last post by Unwritten - Apr 03, 2024, 03:43 PM
The people of Earth continued to turn a blind eye to the problem of climate change and it only grew worse over the years.  As extreme weather events became the new normal, it could no longer be denied that something was wrong, but no one seemed to be able to cure the problem.

As if the raging thunderstorms and hurricanes soaking everything weren't bad enough, the warming planet's ice caps melted and formerly tropical, low lying coastal regions of North America were lost beneath the rising tides of a new, higher sea level.  The southwest stayed dry, but grew even hotter, stuck in unrelenting triple digit heatwaves that left the area unfit for habitation.  The central U.S. and Canada were not spared devastation as back to back massive tornadoes spawned endlessly, ruining formerly fertile fields and much of the food supply, as well as countless homes.  Those people that managed to survive were forced to migrate northeast, but that was not without its peril as the region stayed locked in seemingly permanent winter when a new ice age clutched the land in its frosted grip while everyone struggled to find a way to live in the inhospitable, but only remaining territory that was livable...barely.  The borders were a thing of the past.  None of that mattered when the three countries of North America were reduced to a sliver of their former populations and only a fragment of the lands that each used to claim.  Corralled into a small territory that consisted of the Northeast U.S. and southeast Canada, people fought for survival, day in and day out.

Fifteen years after the first "State of Emergency" had been declared, nothing had gotten better...only worse.  Twenty five foot tall snowbanks were considered small as most ranged from forty to sixty feet high, leaving any buildings under five stories buried.  What was left of most roadways and railways were long past impassable and any vehicles left that somehow weren't hidden in drifted snow weren't capable of running in such extreme cold.  No aircraft were ever built to withstand such frigid conditions and nary a plane nor a chopper had graced the skies in well over a decade.  Subways might still have been an option if enough people educated in their mechanics had been left to maintain them, but instead those tunnels seemed to be either filled with ice or studded with frozen bodies as being left underground in them was the closest anyone could come to a proper burial anymore.  That might seem disgraceful, but many considered it to be a kinder fate than the alternative of their corpse being left out for scavenging cannibals to dine upon in the open as grocery stores and restaurants were obviously part of a bygone era with the loss of power grids.

That is what the world had become - smaller, colder, and infinitely more cruel.  Survival of the fittest wasn't just some remark tossed about - it was reality and most can't hack it.  Can you?