Races that reside in The Arcane Isles

Started by Nynnerz, Feb 21, 2024, 03:29 AM

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I figured here we would explain a bit about the various races that you will find among the characters that live in the three kingdoms that comprise the Arcane Isles. The regular variety and all sorts of magical ones too. We'll get into that in a different thread. (This is a work in progress that I am just too tired to finish at the moment.. will be adding more info soon!)

Humans - both non magic users and magic users.

Shifters - there are a wide variety of different shifter species in play. Shifters are born that way. They are not infected, nor can they infect or turn anyone else into one. There are a variety of different animals that comprise the shifters of these lands. Unless their senses are kicked in, they're just like any regular human. They turn into larger than normal versions of the animal listed with a variety of different eye colors. That is usually up to the character's creator. Shifters are not limited to just these particular ones, they are just the types currently played.

Large cats - black panther, white tiger, lion, cheetah
Birds - Owl, falcon
Mythical creatures - mermaid, phoenix, unicorn
Bears - Grizzly, black bear, polar bear

Each species has one sense or attribute that remains on at all times, without them having to actually kick in their heightened senses.

Large cats (except Cheetahs) - hearing
Cheetahs - speed
Wolves, foxes - smell
Birds - vision
Bears - strength
Merfolk -
Phoenix - immunity to fire
Unicorns -


Moon Elves

Half Demons

Half Banshees

Fae - There are a wide variety of fae that live here, mostly in Mulrovia, but they're in the other two countries as well. Fairies, dryads, sprites, pixies





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